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Gallipoli 8 November 1915

Friday 8 November 2013

On This Day Gallipoli Campaign; Monday, 8 November 1915

ANZAC - Second Lieutenant Mehmed Fasih, 2nd Battalion, 47th Regiment, 16th Division, Fifth Army - Morning in the Turkish trenches. There was no doubt it was getting colder.
Turks trench"05.00 hrs Was getting up when orderly comes to wake me. Write my report. Am cold. Orderly had failed to shut door properly and fire is low. That’s how I am. What about my men? Using some pretext or another, they come to my dugout to warm up. When they enter, I place them as close to brazier as possible. Am hungry. Eat some sausage and bread. Dawn breaking, daylight spreading. Cold wind still blowing. Sky is clear. Decide to go back to bed. To sleep peacefully, change my linen. Carefully wrap self in blanket and stretch out. 11.00 hrs Wake up. My captain appears saying, "Aren’t you awake yet?" Chat a while. Wash up. Comb my beard. Food arrives. Join my captain so we can eat together. Have our coffee." 

SOURCE: M. Fasih (edited by M. Culcu & translated by H. B. Dansiman, Lone Pine (Bloody Ridge) Diary of Lt. Mehmed Fasih, Fifth Ottoman Army, Gallipoli, 1915, (Istanbul, Denizler Kitabevi, 2001), p.69.


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