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Gallipoli Quinn's Post

Monday 30 September 2013

Gallipoli Quinn's Post Cemetery

Gallipoli Quinn's Post and Cemetery

The Turkish name was For Quinn's Post was Bomba Sirt (Bomb Ridge). Quinn's Post was the most advanced post of the ANZAC line. It is located on the northern edge of the main ANZAC line. It was named after Major Hugh Quinn. Quinn was the 27-year old commander of C Company, 15th Battalion, Australian Imperial Force. Quinn’s Post was established on the afternoon of 25 April 1915 by a New Zealand machine-gun crew but was taken over by Australians the following day. It was held by a variety of units until the evacuation of the Anzac sector and was the site of continual attacks and hand-to-hand fighting as Turkish troops defending the peninsula strove to recapture it.


Quinn's Post Cemetery is a Commonwealth War Graves Commission cemetery from World War I in the former Anzac sector of the Gallipoli Peninsula, Turkey. 105 Australian and 10 New Zealand graves belong to identified soldiers, and memorials record the names of 64 other soldiers thought to be buried in the cemetery.

Gallipoli Quinn's Post 1915


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